Give a woman a phrase, and she's going to want a visual to go with it.

That's how it all started. You know those times - when you ask God to show you something amazing in Scripture. One weekend during Easter of 2016, the only thing that popped off the page of Scripture was "so that".
So what was I supposed to do with that?

About image
Give a woman a phrase, and she's going to want a visual to go with it.

That's how it all started. You know those times - when you ask God to show you something amazing in Scripture. One weekend during Easter of 2016, the only thing that popped off the page of Scripture was "so that".

So what was I supposed to do with that? "Nothing" was my first reaction because really, what kind of conjunction is that, anyway? Next week, another "so that" appeared. THEN, I went home and started diagramming Scripture, and I found myself, each day, diagramming a new verse. This method made the Scripture, and the Prayers of the Liturgy come alive. (p.s. "So that" is not like an equal sign.)

I am a wife, mom, and a convert to the Catholic Faith. I love to read, travel, teach, and share the love of God. Coffee and Scripture make for the best mornings, don't they?

DISCLAIMER: No "grammar police" here!  I have rediscovered my passion for diagramming sentences and in doing so, have found a whole new insight into prayer because I've found joy in the words.


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Lectio the Liturgy on the go! Now available on all your favorite podcast platforms.

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Based on the words of Doubting Thomas, this podcast is centered on the Eucharist... helping people understand this great mystery, but above all come to a deeper encounter with the love of Christ through the Eucharist. "Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe" (John 20:29).

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Helping each person to draw near to Christ and to one another.

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Useful Info image
These links will give you a good start on studying the prayers of the Mass.

Sunday Prep - everything you need to teach or preach!
Daily Prayer Page
Prochorus, Nicanor, Parmenas? You need BibleSpeak
Biblical Dictionaries
Magnificat Daily Reflection (click on Pray on the top of the page)
The Word Among Us Daily Reflection
MyCatholic has a great reflection, "My Daily Eucharist" (this is a great site!)

and a lot more here - CatholicApptitude
e-Sword Bible software

Word Among Us