1 min read
11 Jun

Ten years ago we were on a family vacation and attended the Solemnity of Corpus Christi Mass with Procession to the Lower Crypt at the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception in Washington DC.  We sat in the 4th row.  My sons were not thrilled, "you always make us sit in the front," they whined.  But after Mass, they admitted that it was amazing.  They even liked the Procession - and the gift shops (they got that from me.)  Life - and the world - has changed since then.

As I thought about this Solemnity and the state of the world today, I found a reason to rejoice.  In this place in time, we have been given the opportunity to find the Body of Christ when we can't receive the Eucharist. We have the opportunity to firm up our foundation of faith in God.

At last report, the majority (52%) of Catholics do not believe in the true presence of Jesus in the Eucharist.  You and I, together as Christ's Body in the world, matter more now than ever.  Church, be who you are!, the world needs us.

Thanks for praying with me,


Links for this week:

Article - Blood and Old Testament Sacrifices; Vine's Dictionary - Sacrifice; Catechism of the Catholic Church - The Presence of Christ (scroll down a bit) (Screencast image from http://christthepriest.com)

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